Sunday, June 9, 2024

Podcast 135: The Undiscovered Countries

“It’s the only leather jacket that you’re SUPPOSED to wear in the rain.”

It’s just Jon and Roy this time because it’s Jon’s birthday SURPRISE picks where all the movies are a surprise to him, because he had never seen them and perhaps they’re not very Jon-y because Jon had never seen them ever and it’s been like four decades so why would these even be associated with Jon at all? Also big apologies for the background buzz. More than usual this time. It must be the USB plug for the mic. 

0:00 -- Intro 2:33 -- The Third Man
4:44 -- The other movies a little bit
6:06 -- back to The Third Man
32:22 -- Stalker
1:01:06 -- Deconstructing Harry
1:17:52 -- Contact information 1:22:19 -- Awards and rankings
1:50:01 -- Future business (with Katie on the horn!) 2:06:12 -- Outro, and outtakes

Hey! Be sure to watch My Brilliant Career, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and Inglourious Basterds for next time!

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Podcast 147: The Coolest Girl and the Zoo Fraternity

“And by the way, I would like to ban the word ‘eighth,’ because I hate the way it looks when you spell it. Just looks stupid. Too many h’s. ...