Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Podcast 143: Birth Mark

“Something like they symbolize hope or something? I dunno, right? They’re like hope in stilettos. I dunno. It was uh ugghhh.”

It’s been too long, but Mark’s back to discuss the burden of being born in January and the movies that come with that.

0:00 -- Intro
11:07 -- The Eight Masters
28:12 -- Iron Eagle
51:27 -- Beautiful Girls
1:19:32 -- Contact information
1:22:44 -- Awards and rankings
1:53:03 -- Future business (with Ammon on the horn!)
2:03:19 -- Outro, and outtakes (ooop#11)

Hey! Be sure to watch Patriot Games, Goldeneye, and Black Death for next time!

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Hey!  Hear In Memoriam!

Hey!  Hear Fantasy Murder Love Triangle!

Hey! Hear J.R. Watches Star Trek for the first time!

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Podcast 147: The Coolest Girl and the Zoo Fraternity

“And by the way, I would like to ban the word ‘eighth,’ because I hate the way it looks when you spell it. Just looks stupid. Too many h’s. ...